Opening Plenary Session: Mi’kmaq and Cree Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations (moderated by Kelly Struthers Montford)
Margaret Robinson, “Singing them back to life: Perspectives on Reincarnation in Mi'kmaq Oral Tradition”
Darcy Lindberg, "The Critical Questions within Cree and More-Than-Human Relations"
Workshop Session: Extinction and Capitalism (moderated by Melissa Plisic)
Vasile Stănescu, "Cash Cow: Animal Liberation against Capitalism and Ecological Destruction" (Commentator: Dinesh Wadiwel)
Tony Weis, “The Violent Narrowing of Animal Life” (Commentator: Tracy McDonald)
Keynote: Ursula Heise, “Multispecies Justice and the City” (moderated by Vasile Stănescu)
Workshop Session: Extinction, Gender, and Sexuality
Meg Perret, “The Complicated Sex Lives of Endangered Species: Representations of Giant Panda Reproduction in Captive Breeding Programs, 1985-2021" (Commentator: Jessica Eisen)
Closing Plenary Session: The Future
Jessie Beier, “Countering De-extinction, Unfixing the Future”